Step 2. Run once VirtualBox Manager and then close it. This is necessary so that the system records certain pieces of information, making it possible for the following steps to work properly.

Step 1. Download Oracle VirtualBox for Mac and Extension Pack. Install VirtualBox and after that, double click on the Extension Pack and follow the instructions. VirtualBox makes it possible to run Windows applications on a Mac, which means Internet Explorer can become a Mac application if you take the necessary steps. To do this, you'll need VirtualBox, the free-to-download and free-to-use virtualization software which allows you to run Windows and other “guest” operating systems on a Mac “host.”

Now you can run the latest version of Internet Explorer on Macs using virtualization. For those of you requiring Internet Explorer to run ActiveX Controls on the Mac, this is the perfect solution. The last official Internet Explorer for Mac is no longer functional since the release of OS X 10.7 (Lion) and is discontinued since 2005, but we have a fix!